Tristan Benoist: CV

My arXiv, ORCID and HAL pages.

Current position

Since October 2018: CNRS chargé de recherche (CR) at Toulouse Mathematics Institute (Probability team) and associate researcher at neighboring Theoretical Physics Laboratory.

Previous positions


You may find or publish corrections or comments on PubPeer.


  1. T. Benoist, L. Bruneau, V. Jaksic, A. Panati, C.-A. Pillet, Entropic Fluctuation Theorems for the Spin-Fermion Model, (2024) arXiv:2411.14841 (preprint)
  2. T. Benoist, C. Pellegrini and A. Szczepanek, Dark Subspaces and Invariant Measures of Quantum Trajectories, (2024) arXiv:2409.18655 (preprint)
  3. T. Benoist, L. Bruneau, V. Jakšić, A. Panati and C.-A. Pillet, Entropic Fluctuations in Statistical Mechanics II. Quantum Dynamical Systems, (2024) arXiv:2409.15485 (preprint)
  4. T. Benoist, L. Greggio and C. Pellegrini, Exponentially fast selection of sectors for quantum trajectories beyond non demolition measurements, (2024) arXiv:2407.18864 (preprint)
  5. T. Benoist, L. Bruneau and C. Pellegrini, Quantum trajectory of the one atom maser, (2024) arXiv:2403.20094 (preprint)
  6. T. Benoist, L. Bruneau, V. Jaksic, A. Panati, C.-A. Pillet, On the thermodynamic limit of two-times measurement entropy production, Rev. Math. Phys. Online Ready (2024) (link, preprint)
  7. T. Benoist, A. Hautecœur and C. Pellegrini, Quantum Trajectories. Spectral Gap, Quasi-compactness & Limit Theorems, (2024) arXiv:2402.03879 (preprint)
  8. T. Benoist, L. Bruneau, V. Jaksic, A. Panati, C.-A. Pillet, A note on two-times measurement entropy production and modular theory, Lett. Math. Phys. 114 32 (2024) (link, preprint)
  9. T. Benoist, J.-L. Fatras and C. Pellegrini, Limit theorems for Quantum Trajectories, Stoch. Process. Their Appl. 164 (2023) 288 - 310 (link, preprint)
  10. T. Benoist, M. Fraas and J. Fröhlich, The appearance of particle tracks in detectors -- II: the semi-classical realm, J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022) 062101 (link, preprint)
  11. T. Benoist, L. Hänggli and C. Rouzé, Deviation bounds and concentration inequalities for quantum noises, Quantum 6 (2022) 772 (link, preprint)
  12. T. Benoist, C. Bernardin, R. Chétrite, R. Chhaibi, J. Najnudel and C. Pellegrini, Emergence of jumps in quantum trajectories via homogeneization, Commun. Math. Phys. 387 (2021) 1821 - 1867 (link, preprint)
  13. T. Benoist, N. Cuneo, V. Jakšić and C.-A. Pillet, On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements II. Examples, J. Stat. Phys. 182 (2021) 44 (link, preprint)
  14. M. Ballesteros, T. Benoist, M. Fraas, and J. Fröhlich, The appearance of particle tracks in detectors, Commun. Math. Phys. 385 (2021) 429 – 463 (link, preprint)
  15. T. Benoist, M. Fraas, Y. Pautrat and C. Pellegrini, Invariant measure for stochastic Schrödinger equations, Ann. Henri Poincaré 22 (2021) 347 – 374 (link, preprint)
  16. T. Benoist, A. Panati and Y. Pautrat, Heat conservation and fluctuations for open quantum systems in the Two-Time Measurement picture, J. Stat. Phys. 178 (2020) 893 – 925 (link, preprint)
  17. T. Benoist, A. Panati and R. Raquépas, Control of fluctuations and heavy tails for heat variation in the two-time measurement framework, Ann. Henri Poincaré 20 (2019) 631 (link, preprint).
  18. T. Benoist, F. Gamboa and C. Pellegrini, Quantum non demolition measurements: parameter estimation for mixtures of multinomials, Electron. J. Stat. 12(1) (2018) 555 – 571 (link, preprint)
  19. T. Benoist, V. Jaksic and C.-A. Pillet, Energy statistics in open harmonic networks, J. Stat. Phys. 168 (2017) 1016 – 1030 (link, preprint)
  20. T. Benoist, M. Fraas, Y. Pautrat and C. Pellegrini, Invariant measure for quantum trajectories, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 174 (2019) 307 – 334 (link, preprint).
  21. T. Benoist, I. Nechita, On bipartite unitary matrices generating subalgebra-preserving quantum operations, Linear Algebra Appl. 521 (2018) 70 – 103 (link, preprint)
  22. T. Benoist, V. Jaksic, Y. Pautrat, C.-A. Pillet, On entropy production of repeated quantum measurements I. General theory, Commun. Math. Phys. 357(1) (2018) 77 – 123 (link, preprint)
  23. T. Benoist, M. Fraas, V. Jaksic, C.-A. Pillet, Full statistics of erasure processes: Isothermal adiabatic theory and a statistical Landauer principle, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 62 (2017) 259 – 286 (link, preprint)
  24. T. Benoist, C. Pellegrini, F. Ticozzi, Exponential Stability of Subspaces for Quantum Stochastic Master Equations, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 18 (2017) 2045-2074 (link, preprint)
  25. T. Benoist, V. Jaksic, A. Panati, Y. Pautrat, C.-A. Pillet, Full statistics of energy conservation in two times measurement protocols, Phys. Rev. E 92 (2015) 032115. (link, preprint)
  26. T. Benoist, C. Pellegrini, Large Time Behavior and Convergence Rate for Quantum Filters Under Standard Non Demolition Conditions, Commun. Math. Phys. 331 (2014) 703 – 723. (link, preprint)
  27. M. Bauer, D. Bernard, T. Benoist, Iterated stochastic measurements, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 494020. (link, preprint)
  28. M. Bauer, T. Benoist, D. Bernard, Repeated Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements: Convergence and Continuous Time Limit, Ann. Henri Poincaré 14 (2013) 639 – 679. (link, preprint)


Open quantum systems and quantum stochastic processes (defended in September 2014)

Note: The almost sure convergence rate of Equation (5.205) derived in Section 5.5.4 is too optimistic. It has been corrected in (Benoist, Pellegrini, Ticozzi 2017).


International conferences





PhD students



Event organization


Service to the community


Other abilities and experiences

Languages: French (native language), English (fluent).

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